Our Team

Our law firm is competent to protect the interests of international clients in all legal matters and proceedings in Estonia. Our goal is to offer our clients only the best legal assistance, as in the process of performing we communicate directly with customers and keep in touch throughout the whole process. We put the interests of the client in the first place and approach them individually in order to find the most appropriate solution to the problem and complete the tasks with the highest quality. We value our employees. We have a strong team with which we can offer our clients quality legal assistance, even in areas that require special knowledge.

Why Choose Our Company?

Estonia has consistently been ranked as one of the most business-friendly countries in the world due to its adaptability to business needs and innovation-oriented approach. Nevertheless, navigating Estonian legislation and its regulations demands a legal advisor who grasps the complexities of building and running a business and is thoroughly familiar with applicable national legal frameworks.

At our Tallinn-based law firm LKS Consult OÜ , we understand the importance of expertly safeguarding your business interests in Estonia, and we’re here to be your trusted legal advisors, ensuring that every tactical and strategic move is adequately measured and that your investments and operations are prevented from potential risks.

Values That Set Us Apart

At LKS Consult OÜ , our core values form the guiding principles that inspire our every action and ensure that we consistently deliver exceptional legal services while maintaining the trust and confidence of our clients. Our commitment to the highest ethical and professional standards is the basis of our practice, and our clients trust us to provide honest, transparent, and unbiased legal services.

We’re strongly committed to excellence which translates into paying great attention to detail, being consistent, and being focused on the success of our customers. We approach every case, every client, and every challenge with a commitment to achieving the best possible results. To achieve excellence, our legal team passionately engages in continual learning and improvement, and we invest in ongoing professional development to ensure that all our experts are well-equipped to address the constantly changing legislation in Estonia and the EU.

Innovation and adaptability to change are essential for providing effective legal advice. To offer cutting-edge and cost-effective legal services that align with the current business environment and industry-specific nuances, our team proactively seeks to stay informed about the shifting Estonian and international legislation, as well as identify and implement innovative strategies and technologies that can enhance our legal services. This adaptability ultimately provides our clients with a competitive edge in their legal objectives and processes.

Our clients are our most valuable partners, and we prioritise understanding the unique needs and goals of each of them. By approaching our clients individually and maintaining open lines of communication, we gain a robust understanding of their specific circumstances, goals, and concerns. This in-depth knowledge allows us to build customised legal strategies that precisely fit their unique situation. In turn, our clients are empowered to make informed decisions that lead to long-term success.

We understand that the foundation of any strong lawyer-client relationship is trust, and we strive to build and maintain it by ensuring confidentiality. We acknowledge the sensitive nature of legal matters and have measures and practices in place to make sure all client information remains securely protected from unauthorised access. Our legal team is thoroughly trained in the ethical and legal obligations of client confidentiality which means that every member of our staff comprehends the critical importance of handling client data with confidentiality.

Teamwork is another foundational value that guides our firm. We strongly believe that exceptional legal outcomes are achieved through collective effort and collaboration between our legal experts, where each of them has a unique input. Our legal team works cohesively to leverage diverse skills and perspectives in order to find innovative and tailored solutions. By fostering a culture of mutual respect and cooperation, we deliver a holistic approach to legal services that extends beyond individual capabilities.

Our Dedicated Team – at Your Service

Our Tallinn-based team is composed of legal experts who are adept at Estonian and international law. We've carefully brought together a team of legal experts who collectively have a wide array of skills and deep specialised knowledge, ensuring that we can deliver high-quality legal assistance across a broad range of practice areas. Our lawyers specialise in such areas as the licensing of financial institutions, banks, crypto businesses, and other regulated activities, as well as the formation, sale, reorganisation, and dissolution of companies in any industry.

What sets our team apart is their ability to efficiently identify issues and skillfully turn them into opportunities. Each member of our team has a keen problem-solving aptitude and a strategic mindset which enables them to effectively address the distinctive problems our clients encounter in Estonia. Whether it's individuals establishing startups or international corporations navigating complex regulations, our team is well-equipped to transform legal challenges into stepping stones for progress and growth.

At the core, our team is dedicated to upholding high professional standards, and ensuring our clients get the best results in the shortest possible time. We're proud of the environment we've created where every team member respects and genuinely looks out for one another. We see each person in our firm as a valuable professional and therefore recognise the unique contributions they make to achieving success for our clients in Estonia.

Our team demonstrates dedication to serving valued clients in plenty of ways:

  • By taking the time to fully understand and respect the cultural nuances and business practices of international clients
  • By maintaining open lines of communication across different time zones, and prioritising timely responses and swift actions
  • By being proficient in languages commonly used by international clients
  • By being adaptable, willing to navigate unfamiliar regulatory territories, and prepared to adjust legal strategies as needed to address new challenges
  • By engaging in thorough legal research and analysis, including internal collaborations, to offer precise and reliable guidance
  • By providing personalised, client-specific solutions based on the unique needs and objectives of a client
  • By regularly reevaluating active cases and projects to make necessary adjustments, implement updates, and integrate clients’ valuable feedback
  • By building and maintaining a network of legal contacts and partnerships in different countries in order to provide international clients with insights related to international trade, cross-border transactions, and foreign investment
  • By providing international clients with resources in their language that help them understand the legal environment in Estonia

The Key Benefits of Choosing Our Firm

Here at LKS Consult OÜ , we’re dedicated to providing the highest quality support and expertise to foreign clients looking for legal services in Estonia. We firmly believe that choosing us as your legal partner offers you a range of key benefits that set us apart and create value for your business.

There are many reasons why you should choose our firm as your trusted legal consultancy in Estonia:

  • We have years of experience in successfully assisting international businesses like yours seeking to register and licence a company in Estonia, buy a company in Estonia, optimise their taxes in Estonia, or perform other legal actions for their business
  • Our legal team consists of accomplished professionals with extensive expertise in various areas of Estonian and international law which is an assurance that you receive the best advice and representation tailored to your specific needs and unique situation
  • We’re committed to providing cost-effective and time-efficient solutions without compromising on quality
  • We have created a billing system that is both simple and competitive, and we can provide you with a transparent view of the financial aspect of our collaboration
  • We prioritise clear and transparent communication to ensure that you are informed at every stage of the legal process by explaining complex legal concepts in everyday language and welcoming your feedback
  • Your peace of mind is our priority, and our team is always accessible to provide you with support, answer your questions, and address your concerns promptly
  • With our continued and proactive assistance, you'll consistently and surely handle challenges as your business grows, priorities change and the laws evolve

Our Areas of Expertise Can Help You Grow in Estonia

We very well understand the unique challenges and opportunities that foreign businesses encounter when seeking to operate in a new jurisdiction. Our legal expertise spans a broad range of specialisations to cater to the diverse needs of our international clients building businesses in Estonia. The approach enables you to have all your trusted legal partners under one roof, and this way simplifies the coordination of your legal matters, as well as allows you to optimise your legal strategies more efficiently.

Our talented team works in the following areas:

  • Corporate and commercial law, from business formation to mergers and acquisitions, we assist foreign businesses in establishing and expanding their presence in Estonia, ensuring ongoing compliance with local regulations
  • We help negotiate, draft, and review various contractual agreements and this way protect the interests of our foreign clients
  • We also specialise in accounting, helping our international clients to manage their finances efficiently, and make informed financial decisions to enhance their overall business performance and success
  • We provide advice on tax planning, compliance, and strategies to optimise financial structures and tax liabilities in Estonia and beyond
  • We offer specialised services for trademark registration, patent protection, and copyright enforcement, safeguarding our clients' intellectual assets
  • We offer guidance on such data protection regulations as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Estonia's Data Protection Act to ensure that our clients remain compliant with data privacy laws and mitigate legal risks
  • We offer guidance on international trade regulations to help Estonia-based businesses effectively navigate global trade and expand their market reach
  • We guide businesses in adhering to local employment laws, facilitating work permits, compliance with Estonian labour regulations, and addressing labour disputes
  • We assist foreign businesses in obtaining the necessary visas and permits for their employees and expatriate staff which speeds up the process of relocating key personnel
  • Our team efficiently handles all aspects of real estate transactions which allows foreign businesses to secure suitable locations for their operations in Estonia

We Offer a Vast Range of Legal Services

At LKS Consult OÜ , we take immense pride in offering a vast range of legal services that, of course, cover all our expertise areas. Our commitment is to provide a holistic and comprehensive package of services for our clients to navigate any applicable regulatory framework and Estonian legislation at large. This way, we can meet the diverse legal requirements of our international clients.

We’re pleased to offer you a wide range of legal services in Estonia:

  • Business formation and registration for fintech, blockchain, banking, and other businesses, including designing a corporate structure and drafting such documents as shareholder agreements
  • Corporate governance and regulatory compliance, including the development and implementation of corporate policies and procedures, compliance audits, and ongoing regulatory monitoring, to ensure your business operates with integrity and in accordance with all relevant Estonian laws
  • Mergers and acquisitions of Estonian companies, including due diligence, transaction structuring, contract negotiation, regulatory approvals, and post-merger integration
  • Corporate financing, including strategic financial planning to help Estonian businesses secure the necessary funds and effectively manage their financial strategies for sustainable growth
  • Contract drafting and review, including licensing agreements, commercial leasing, partnership agreements, and distribution contracts
  • The preparation of annual reports for Estonian companies, including financial statement compilation, audit coordination, tax return preparation, and overall compliance with Estonian accounting standards
  • Trademark registration in Estonia, including the preparation and submission of an application for registration of a trademark to the Patent Department
  • Employment contract drafting, labour dispute resolution, work permit and visa assistance, HR policy development, and overall compliance with Estonian labour regulations
The list of our legal services isn’t exhaustive, and you should contact us directly to explore our comprehensive services and discover how our expertise can serve your specific legal needs in Estonia, and provide you with tailored solutions and dedicated support for your business.

How We Ensure High-Quality Legal Services

Here at LKS Consult OÜ , you’re guaranteed to receive the highest quality legal services. It's a promise we make to every client who entrusts us with their legal matters, and we deliver it with strong dedication and excellence in every aspect of our legal practice.

To adhere to high standards of legal services in Estonia, we employ a variety of methods:

  • We apply specialised knowledge of the fields in question, ensuring that our clients benefit from a deep understanding of their specific legal needs
  • We invest in continuous professional development, enabling us to offer our clients the most current and relevant legal advice
  • We conduct in-depth research and investigation, ensuring that our legal strategies are well-informed and built on a solid foundation of legal precedent and practice
  • We encourage a culture of collaboration within our legal team which means that cases often undergo multiple rounds of peer review, fostering diverse perspectives and ensuring that every angle is explored
  • We often seek feedback from our clients to evaluate our performance and make improvements based on their experiences
If you’re determined to see your business thrive in Estonia and you’re in search of a trustworthy, experienced, and dedicated legal team, schedule your consultation with us today, and we’ll provide you with tailored guidance and expert insights that will set your business on the path to sustainable success.

LKS Consult OÜ

Registration number:  14649069
Address: Pärnu mnt 105, Kesklinna linnaosa,
11312 Tallinn, Harju maakond

We are happy to answer any questions you may have during our office hours 9AM–5PM.

[DT_World_Clock Time in Tallinn:Europe/Tallinn:et]

+372 5371 2287

We try to answer all e-mail enquiries within 1 hour between 9AM–5PM (Estonian time)

[DT_World_Clock Time in Tallinn:Europe/Tallinn:et] contact@lksconsult.com

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